Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN
Francium is the biggest element because it has seven shells of electron, which they are weakly attracted. This tells Fr to give away electron easily inorder to have a full valence shell, which is making Fr's IE very low. Fr have a weak attraction which means it cannot pull other electrons in their shells, which makes Fr's EN very low as well.
Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
Hellium has only one shell, and the smallest element. Helium is a nobel gas, its valence shell is already full. It is holding its electrons closest and it takes the move IE to split them away from the nucleus.
Why Noble Gases don't have EN values
Noble gas already have full valence shell, so they do not gain electrons.
Why Fluorine has the highest EN
Flourine is not a full shelled element, and it is the smallest halogen in the halogen column, it has a very strong attraction to its electrons.